Matsumoto Award Voting

Starting today, the public is encouraged to vote in the 2022 George Matsumoto Prize, hosted by NCModernist and sponsored by Chappell Residential. Anyone, anywhere can vote for their favorite new North Carolina Modernist house!

Awards will be given for first, second, and third, selected by the public through online voting. There are three design jury awards, shown here.

There are three local Asheville entries in the mix. Cheers to you all!

What is the Matsumoto Prize? The George Matsumoto Prize is North Carolina's highest honor exclusively for Modernist residential architecture. The unique design competition features a blue-ribbon jury of internationally-known architects and experts plus online public voting. NCModernist created the Matsumoto Prize in 2012 honor of George Matsumoto, one of the founding faculty members of North Carolina State University's College of Design. Matsumoto created some of North Carolina's most well-known and well-loved Modernist houses. The Matsumoto Prize encourages young architects, designers, and prospective clients to continue the Modernist movement in houses so important to North Carolina's design heritage. The Prize meaningfully and powerfully engages the public with the architecture they love and showcases exceptional Modernist architects and designers in North Carolina. See past years here.

Troy Winterrowd