Mindful Living and Positive Steps for Today


Hi Folks! As life has given us a departure from the normal please allow me to take a departure today from all the cool things we like to showcase here. Underneath what we aesthetically enjoy is a desire to be present to what is truly in front of us and mindful of choices around it whether its regarding our home or our health. Typically, we would might be together showing you a home and considering those choices relative to the property we are standing in. Today, we are having a collective experience of a very different nature. The following essay by Stephen Dinan was shared by a dear friend and, I find, is one of the more comprehensive pieces of writing for this collective experience. Yesterday, I was in a place where I could ground myself and be productive at home and see the long term potential of what is happening. I saw hope. Tomorrow I may be in a more troubled place. There is a great list of ideas here that you might find helpful when you are feeling weighed down.

Here is an excerpt I appreciate: The best case scenario is ultimately for us to approach this global pandemic as something that calls us into a higher level of collaboration, creativity, and conscious living. We can emerge living more sustainably, peacefully, and enjoyably with our local communities. We can develop more skills for independent lifestyles. We can cultivate a higher-quality, less-expensive lifestyle with less stuff. Let’s do our best to write the story of 2020 as a year not defined by a global tragedy but as a challenging but ultimately successful birth of a new way of being. Just as the toughest life experiences can catalyze our greatest personal growth, so can this planetary emergency lead to real growth of our species. For the rest of the arcticle go HERE.

Know we are thinking of you. And we are still here. Reach out anytime if you need help or an ear. Cheers!

Troy Winterrowd