Posts in Modern Makers
Modern Inspiration | Jean-Michel Basquiat

"Basquiat’s work was deeply thoughtful—the products of his ravenous observations of the world around him. “I don’t think about art while I work,” he told writer Isabelle Graw in 1986. “I try to think about life. As an aspiring artist I found his fearlessness and authenticity inspiring.”

Alexxa Gotthardt wrote this piece on Basquiat for Artsy that came across our facebook feed. Enjoy the complete article here. Happy creating!

Support for Artist Eric Knoche

Hi Folks! As you know artists are a big part of our Modern Asheville community and we are all too happy to support them and what they bring to our Asheville area community. Eric Knoche, also, happens to be a neighbor to John and myself and suffered a big loss being housed in the old French Broad school which burned just down the street from us. In support we all are passing along his request for assistance. Thanks for any consideration. Cheers!

Greeting friends, colleagues and patrons,

Unfortunately I am writing today with some bad news:  On Feb 5, the building where I had my studio burned to the ground due to arson.  I lost all of my tools and equipment, all of my finished inventory, 15 years of sketchbooks and four months of finished but unfired work.I am hesitant to ask for help, but have been encouraged to do so by my friends and colleagues.  So, if you would like to help me out, here are a few ways to do so.

1. Please consider contributing to the GoFundMe that my fiancé, Kristin, has helped me set up. We are hoping to raise $20,000. I will use this money to finish the small studio I started building on my land last year and also for living expenses as I begin from scratch to build a new body of work. If you would like to contribute to the GoFundMe Campaign, a link is here. I am grateful for contributions in any amount.

2. My gallery in Asheville, Blue Spiral 1, has generously offered to temporarily alter the terms of our agreement in my favor.  For the next two months Blue Spiral 1 is donating half of their share of the sales of my work back to me.  So if any of the work they have in their inventory appeals to you, purchasing it in the next two months is exceptionally beneficial to me.  You can see the work I have there here.  I am most grateful for all of the support I have received for my work over the years.

3. I could also really use some physical help. If you live in western North Carolina and would like to donate a day or half day of your time I would really appreciate it. Here is a list of things I need help with: Hanging drywall, eaves, painting and trim for the little studio I have been working on on my land; splitting wood for the kiln; other kiln prep; clay making; carpentry (rebuilding some of the tables and racks that were lost.  If you have a little extra time and would like to come help me, please reach out.4. Please consider sharing with anyone you think might be interested.

(You can find some news articles if you google '"french broad school fire."  They do get some details wrong but the overview is correct).I've written a bit about the event on my website.

Thanks so much for your continued support.  I really appreciate it.



Down the "Mid-Century" Rabbit Hole

Artist Roger Capron | You know how it goes—you are scrolling the internet and one image pops up and suddenly you are off into a new visual world. That is exactly how it worked when I saw the above image and got lost in the rhythm, colors and geometry of this tile piece. Roger Capron had been a prolific French artist born in Vincennes, France on September 4, 1922. Interested in drawing, he studied Applied Arts in Paris from 1939 to 1943 and worked as an art teacher in 1945. He died on November 8, 2006 leaving behind a considerable body of work that is recognized worldwide. I know you'll want to see more so go HERE. Cheers!