Do you own a 70's or 80's kit cabin retreat that needs refreshing? Or perhaps a new west Asheville townhouse style home you need to select finishes for? Check out this Houzz article out of the Northwest for inspiration. Northwest design is often an inspiration for us here in Asheville as our earthy cultures mirror our desire to connect indoors and outdoors while repurposing materials. Enjoy!
This clever new infill house near UNCA is a 4 bedroom and 3 bath home efficiently tucked into 1600 sq/ft of living space. While the interior is very smooth and light the exterior is skinned with heavy rough hewn wood and steel. If you want a house with a low maintenance exterior this modernist cabin is bound to provide generations of easy living here in the mountains. It has everything, but a pair of antlers hanging on the front! The house is listed for $315,000.